Sunday, September 23, 2007

it's not a problem if you don't acknowledge it

A Notice of Gambling Debts (So We Don't Forget About Them):

So far, for wagers placed during the fall of 2007, Neil owes Joe $6:

$2, Mike def. Kate in checkers
$2, Colts def. Saints
$2, Giants def. Redskins

For the record, I'm pretty sure I also owe Joe several million euro. There are also some debated past incidents which may or may not have involved me losing a bet to Joe, including Ortiz-Shamrock and WrestleMania XXIII. Will he ever see this money? Not on my watch! As we discussed on the phone before, it will be included in my will, when my corpse hits him back on the proverbial first. I am letting this information be known to the public so that if I die in some sort of mysterious accident, Joe ought to be considered as the first and only suspect and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

By decree, all future gambling tabs shall be accounted for in this post.


Iron Chancellor said...

Joe $2 --> Neil, Patriots def. Bengals

Neil's debt to Joe down to $4

joe said...

that's what i get for wagering a shitty team against your hatred of the patriots. balls

joe said...

neil $4 --> Joe, islanders def. sabres

joe $2 --> neil, bears def. packers

6 in the hole buddy